Ben's personal blogging on technical stuff
If you’re reading this you probably did a web search for “libvirt routed firewalld” or something very similar.
This article is all about enabling the following configuration on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS/Fedora or similar host:
This should all be pretty easy, right? Routed networks with libvirt are easy by themselves, and firewalld is pretty easy to configure. Both are quite well documented, BUT I couldn’t get them to work together.
Here’s my desired configuration:
After much research and troubleshooting I learned that firewalld was rejecting incoming ping and SSH packets, with error messages in the logs (which appear in /var/log/messages and the output of dmesg
when enabled). Here’s an example of me trying to SSH from my laptop ( to a VM at
[Wed Jan 19 12:12:31 2022] "filter_FWD_FedoraServer_REJECT: "IN=enp2s0f0 OUT=virbr1 MAC=98:f2:b3:e9:09:98:dc:fb:48:bd:15:be:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x08 PREC=0x40 TTL=63 ID=38395 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=49618 DPT=22 WINDOW=64240 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=0
This tells me the FedoraServer zone is rejecting my request. Why? It turns out that the Firewalld+nftables filter_FORWARD chain prevents non-NATed routing. The feature implementation to support is a work in progress at the time of writing this article, and more info can be found here:
[RFE] nftables filter_FORWARD: allow non-NATed router configurations #569
Fortunately the RFE (Request For Enhancement) above pointed me in the direction of the following two articles, that explain the “Policy Objects” feature that was implemented in firewalld around 2020.
Read more here:
Policy Objects: Filtering Container and Virtual Machine Traffic
So with all this info in hand we can create some simple rules that allow forwarding of traffic between two zones without requiring a NAT (masquerade):
Host to VMs
firewall-cmd --permanent --new-policy hostToLibvirt
firewall-cmd --permanent --policy hostToLibvirt --set-target ACCEPT
firewall-cmd --permanent --policy hostToLibvirt --add-ingress-zone FedoraServer
firewall-cmd --permanent --policy hostToLibvirt --add-egress-zone libvirt
VMs to host
firewall-cmd --permanent --new-policy libvirtToHost
firewall-cmd --permanent --policy libvirtToHost --set-target ACCEPT
firewall-cmd --permanent --policy libvirtToHost --add-ingress-zone libvirt
firewall-cmd --permanent --policy libvirtToHost --add-egress-zone FedoraServer
Reload the config
firewall-cmd --reload
With the above configuration we can now happily route traffic through the host, to and from the VMs, without NAT being required. This has the host effectively acting as a transit router.
It should be noted that all traffic entering each zone is subject to the rules of that zone. Any services or ports allowed or denied will be respected as one would expect.
Another thing to note is that the policies above set the target to ACCEPT, but it may make more sense to set them to CONTINUE, allowing other policies to be processed in systems with a more complex configuration. You can find more reading here: firewalld.policy
To summarise, this firewalld configuration allows us to firewall traffic to the host (hypervisor), and forward traffic to and from the guest VMs. Any further firewalling of ingress traffic into each VM is then the responsibility of each VM itself.
Special thanks to @space88man and @erig0 on Github for pointing me in the right direction.