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Harden a RHEL VM to the CIS standard

  1. Spin up a new RHEL 8 VM using the Private BYOS RHEL 8 images we now have access to in Azure
  2. Log in to the VM
  3. Install Ansible
     sudo -i
     yum clean all
     yum install rhui-azure-rhel8-ansible
     yum install ansible
  4. Install the SCAP Security Guide package
     sudo -i
     yum install scap-security-guide
  5. Find the RHEL 8 CIS hardening playbooks
     cd /usr/share/scap-security-guide/ansible/
     ls -la rhel8-playbook-cis*
  6. Choose whether you want to run the CIS Level 1 Server playbook “rhel8-playbook-cis_server_l1.yml” or the CIS Level 2 Server playbook “rhel8-playbook-cis.yml”

  7. Run the playbook
     ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local rhel8-playbook-cis.yml


     ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local rhel8-playbook-cis_server_l1.yml
  8. Wait for it to finish. It will take several minutes to rn because it is checking and changing a lot of the system configuration.
  9. Ensure that no tasks FAILED. The output should look something like what you see here: Ansible playbook output