Ben's personal blogging on technical stuff
Follow the instructions here in the section entitled “How do I enable Simple Content Access for Red Hat Subscription Management?”:
This will make subscription management a lot easier for you, and is a pre-requisite for Cloud Access (ie BYO subscriptions into Azure)
You only need to carry out the steps in this section if you don’t already have a host ready to run an Ansible playbook. Note that this host must be able to contact Azure over the network.
sudo -i
yum clean all
yum install rhui-azure-rhel8-ansible
yum install ansible
The steps below are a slight modification of what you would be told to do at the following link, with changes to make life easier for you.
ansible-galaxy collection install redhatinsights.subscriptions
ansible-playbook -i localhost, --connection=local -b ~/.ansible/collections/ansible_collections/redhatinsights/subscriptions/playbooks/verify_account.yml -e rh_api_refresh_token=<OFFLINE_AUTH_TOKEN>
Based on instructions found here:
If you created a VM specifically to run this process, you can now shut it down and delete it.